Dec 18, 2009 Sala Sopracenerina - Locarno - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Jazzy Jingle Bells” and other pieces
Dec 12 & 13, 2009 Chiesa Collegio Papio - Ascona - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Jazzy Jingle Bells” and other pieces
Dec 6, 2009 Chiesa Parrocchiale - Arzo - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Jazzy Jingle Bells” - World premiere - and other pieces
Nov 12, 2009 Vaon Kuser Hall - UWO London ON - CANADA
St. Cecilia Singers - dir. Gloria Gassi - “Great Spirit” Canadian premiere
Oct 30, 2009 International Choir Competition & Festival - MALTA
Kammerkoret Collegium Vocale - dir. Thomas Caplin - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria” World premiere
Oct 2, 2009 St. Mauritius Kirche - Zermatt - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Sogno...”, “Great Spirit” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”
Sep 19, 2009 Concert for Alois Motyl’s 80th Birthday - Sumperk - CZECH REPUBLIC
Motýli Šumperk - dir. Tomas Motyl - “Great Spirit
Aug 17, 2009 Bâtiment Communal - Rougemont - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Sogno...” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”
Aug 16, 2009 Eglise St. Théodule - Gruyère - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Sogno...” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”
Jul 17-26, 2009 Utrecht - HOLLAND - EUROPA CANTAT
Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer & Yves Bugnon - “There is another sky” and “Le Problème...”
Jul 5, 2009 Abbatiale- Romainmôitier - SWITZERLAND
Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer & Yves Bugnon - “There is another sky” and “Le Problème...”
Jun 28, 2009 Reformierte Kirche - Herisau - SWITZERLAND
Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer & Yves Bugnon - “There is another sky” and “Le Problème...”
Jun 27, 2009 StadtKirche St. Martin - Kaufbeuren - GERMANY
Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer & Yves Bugnon - “There is another sky” and “Le Problème...”
Jun 24, 2009 Concert for Unicef - Sumperk - CZECH REPUBLIC
Motýli Šumperk - dir. Tomas Motyl - “Great Spirit”
Jun 20, 2009 Dwòr Artusa - Torun - POLAND
Astrolabium Chamber Choir - dir. Kinga Litowska - “Ave Maria”
Jun 14, 2009 Eglise du Bourg - Martigny - SWITZERLAND
Choeur de dames La Romaine - dir. Pierre Louis Nanchen - “Le Problème...”
Jun 10, 2009 La Vidonée - Riddes - SWITZERLAND
Choeur de dames La Romaine - dir. Pierre Louis Nanchen - “Le Problème...”
Jun 5-7, 2009 Schaffhausen - SWITZERLAND - SKJF 09
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Sogno...”, “Schwyzzerapsody”, “Great Spirit”
and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”
May 30, 2009 St. Ignatius Church - San Francisco - USA
Artists’ Vocal Ensemble - dir. Jonathan Dimmock - “Ave Maria”
May 29, 2009 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church - San Francisco - USA
Artists’ Vocal Ensemble - dir. Jonathan Dimmock - “Ave Maria” US premiere
May 23, 2009 Snellman-Sali - Kokkola - FINLAND
Kokkolan Nuorisokouro - dir. Kari Pappinen - “Great Spirit” Finnish premiere
May 21, 2009 Eglise du Collège Saint-Michel - SWITZERLAND
Ensemble vocal féminin Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le problème...”
May 17, 2009 Ancienne Abbaye Monthéron - SWITZERLAND
Ensemble vocal féminin Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le problème...”
May 16, 2009 Chiesa Sacro Cuore - Lugano - SWITZERLAND
Severàcek, Motyli Sumperk, Calicantus (140 voices!) - dir. Mario Fontana - “Great Spirit”
May 6, 2009 Konzerthalle Ulrichskirche - Halle - GERMANY
Severàcek - dir. Silvie Pàlkovà - “Great Spirit”
May 6, 2009 Konzerthalle Ulrichskirche - Halle - GERMANY
Pizzicanto - dir. Oskar Egle - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee”
May 3, 2009 Eglise St. MIchel - SWITZERLAND
Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer & Yves Bugnon - “There is another sky” and “Le Problème...”
May 2, 2009 Temple de Lutry - SWITZERLAND
Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer & Yves Bugnon - “There is another sky” - World premiere,
and “Le Problème...”
Apr 30, 2009 Trinity College Chapel - Cambridge - UNITED KINGDOM
Trinity College Choir of Cambridge - dir. Stephen Layton - “Ave Maria” World premiere
Apr 13-18, 2009 Gossau - St. Imier - Vicques - Forel - Sion - SWITZERLAND - 5 CONCERTS
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Schwyzzerapsody”, “Great Spirit” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”
Apr, 2009 Golden Lyre Festival - Sumperk - CZECH REPUBLIC
Motýli Šumperk - dir. Tomas Motyl - “Great Spirit”
Mar 28, 2009 Chiesa Collegio Papio - Ascona - SWITZERLAND
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Schwyzzerapsody”, “Great Spirit” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”
Feb 28, 2009 Zwinglikirche - Schaffhausen - SWITZERLAND
Vocalissimo/Vokalensemble - dir. Hans-Jörg Ganz - “Sogno...” World premiere