August 22, 2010  Eglise de Gruyères St. Théodule (Switzerland)

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana performing

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” &  world premiere of Ivo Antognini’s

“Ave maris stella”


August 21, 2010  Temple - Lutry (Switzerland)

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana performing

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” and “Ici-bas”by Ivo Antognini


August 10, 2010  Kolind kirke (Denmark)


Kammerkoret Coro Misto (Denmark) - dir. Søren Birch

“O Nata Lux” by Ivo Antognini


August 9, 2010  Tornby kirke (Denmark)


Kammerkoret Coro Misto (Denmark) - dir. Søren Birch

“O Nata Lux” by Ivo Antognini


August 8, 2010  Skagen kirke (Denmark)


Kammerkoret Coro Misto (Denmark) - dir. Søren Birch

world premiere  of Ivo Antognini’s “O Nata Lux”


August 5-9, 2010  University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

“Ihlombe International Choir Festival and Conference”

South Cape Children’s Choir (South Africa) - dir. Jan-Erik Swart

“Great Spirit”by Ivo Antognini

South Africa

August 3, 2010  Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis - Santa Fe (USA)

“Song of Songs”

Santa Fe Desert Chorale (USA) - dir. Joshua Habermann

“I am the Rose of Sharon” by Ivo Antognini


July 25, 2010  San Francisco de Asis Church - Ranchos de Taos (USA)

“Song of Songs”

Santa Fe Desert Chorale (USA) - dir. Joshua Habermann

“I am the Rose of Sharon” by Ivo Antognini


July 24, 2010   Beijing Concert Hall - CHINA

Lund University Male Choir (Sweden) - dir. Thomas Caplin

“O FORTUNA” by Ivo Antognini


July 23, 2010  University of South Africa - Pretoria

“AKTV Animato National Choir Competition”

South Cape Children’s Choir (South Africa) - dir. Jan-Erik Swart

“Great Spirit” by Ivo Antognini

South Africa

July 22, 2010  Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis - Santa Fe (USA)

“Song of Songs”

Santa Fe Desert Chorale (USA) - dir. Joshua Habermann

“I am the Rose of Sharon” by Ivo Antognini


July 18, 2010  Immanuel Presbyterian Church - Albuquerque (USA)

“Song of Songs”

Santa Fe Desert Chorale (USA) - dir. Joshua Habermann

“I am the Rose of Sharon” by Ivo Antognini


July 18, 2010  Auditorium - via Roma - Gorizia (Italy)

49th International Competition of Choral Singing - Seghizzi 2010

Chamber Choir of Wroclaw Medical University (Poland) -

dir. Agnieszka Frankow-Zelazny,

world premiere of “My Song” by Ivo Antognini


July 18, 2010   Shaoxing/Shangai - CHINA


Lund University Male Choir (Sweden) - dir. Thomas Caplin

world premiere of Ivo Antognini’s “O FORTUNA”


July 15, 2010  Duomo - Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) - (Italy)

8° Festival Seghizzinregione

Chamber Choir of Wroclaw Medical University (Poland) -

dir. Agnieszka Frankow-Zelazny, “Ave Maria” by Ivo Antognini


July 13, 2010  Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis - Santa Fe (USA)

“Song of Songs”

Santa Fe Desert Chorale (USA) - dir. Joshua Habermann

world premiere of Ivo Antognini’s  “I am the Rose of Sharon”


July 7-10, 2010  Neuchatel (Switzerland)


Komorni Zbor IPAVSKA (Slovenia) - dir. Matjaž Šček

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


July 3, 2010  Podnanos, Podnanos pri Vipavi (Slovenia)

Komorni Zbor IPAVSKA (Slovenia) - dir. Matjaž Šček

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


July 3, 2010  Pfarrkirche Koblach (Austria)

Vocale Neuburg (Austria) - dir. Oskar Egle

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


June 19, 2010  Šmartno v Goriških Brdih, Goriška Brda (Slovenia)

Komorni Zbor IPAVSKA (Slovenia) - dir. Matjaž Šček

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


June 13, 2010  Kulturni dom v Braniku, Branik (Slovenia)

Komorni Zbor IPAVSKA (Slovenia) - dir. Matjaž Šček

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


June 9-10-11-12-13, 2010 Théâtre du Jorat- Mézières (Switzerland)

“CHORAL ATTITUDE”    (5 concerts)

Callirhoé (Switzerland) - dir. Dominique Tille

“Le problème...” by Ivo Antognini


June 6, 2010  Pfarrkirche Ettiswil - LU - (Switzerland)

Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer

“There is another sky” by Ivo Antognini


May 29, 2010  cerkev sv.Jurija v Šturjah, Ajdovščina (Slovenia)


Komorni Zbor IPAVSKA (Slovenia) - dir. Matjaž Šček

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


May 20-23, 2010  Bratislava (Slovakia)


Vocale Neuburg (Austria) - dir. Oskar Egle

“Salve Regina” by Ivo Antognini


May 15, 2010 DR Church Denneoord - George (South Africa)

“AKTV ANIMATO Regional Choir Competition”

South Cape Children’s Choir (South Africa) - dir. Jan-Erik Swart

“Great Spirit”by Ivo Antognini

South Africa

May 12-16, 2010  Basel (Switzerland)


850 singers (!) performing the opening & closing-up song

“This Song” by Ivo Antognini - world premiere


May 4, 2010 Civic Center - George (South Africa)

“Music Montage Massed Choir Festival”

South Cape Children’s Choir (South Africa) - dir. Jan-Erik Swart

“Great Spirit”by Ivo Antognini

South Africa

May 2, 2010  Chiesa di S. Martino - Ronco sopra Ascona (Switzerland)


Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana

“Great Spirit”, “Ici-bas”, “Sogno...”, Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”

by Ivo Antognini


Mai 1, 2010  Bellinzona - Chiesa della Collegiata (Switzerland)

Schweizer Jugendchor - dir. Clau Scherrer

“There is another sky” by Ivo Antognini


April 30 - May 3, 2010  Neerpelt (Belgium)


Pizzicanto - (Austria) - dir. Oskar Egle

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” by Ivo Antognini


April 29, 2010  Im Cubus, Wolfurt (Austria)

“Vorarlberger Landesjugendsingen”

Pizzicanto - (Austria) - dir. Oskar Egle

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” by Ivo Antognini


April 10, 2010   Diaz Museum, Mossel Bay  (South Africa)

“Joint Concert”

South Cape Children’s Choir (South Africa) - dir. Jan-Erik Swart

“Great Spirit”by Ivo Antognini

South Africa

April 9, 2010   Montreux - Switzerland

“Montreux Choral Festival”

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” by Ivo Antognini


April 3-5, 2010  Ardèche - France (3 concerts)

“Mini Tour”

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” and “Sogno” by Ivo Antognini


March 26, 2010   Chiesa S. Maurizio di Maggia - Switzerland

CHARITY CONCERT for Kula Mountain Primary School - Nepal

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana

“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” by Ivo Antognini


March 5, 2010  Victoria Concert Hall - Singapore

“THE VOICE OF LIFE”  Cantemus 2010

NTU CAC Choir - dir. Yong Chee Foon

World premiere of “Salve Regina” and Asian premiere of “Ave Maria”

by Ivo Antognini


February 26, 2010   Chiesa Parrocchiale di Bioggio - Switzerland
CHARITY CONCERT for Gloria Dei Chamber Singers - Philippines
Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana
“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” and “Sogno” by Ivo Antognini


February 13, 2010  Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church - Wisconsin


Milwaukee Choral Artists - dir. Sharon Hansen

US premiere of “Great Spirit” by Ivo Antognini








  1. Punti elenco Dec 18, 2010  Chiesa Parrocchiale - Monte Carasso - SWITZERLAND

Cantori della Turrita - dir. Daniela Beltraminelli - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 17, 2010  Chiesa Parrocchiale - Tenero - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Dec 11 & 12, 2010  Chiesa Collegio Papio - Ascona- SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Dec 8, 2010  Chiesa di SS. PIetro e Paolo - Brissago - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Dec 5, 2010  St. Luke’s Episcopal Church - Montclair NJ - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “Ave Maria

  1. Punti elenco Dec 5, 2010  Dom St. Nikolaus - Feldkirch - AUSTRIA

Vocale Neuburg - dir. Oskar Egle - “Salve Regina

  1. Punti elenco Dec 4, 2010  Trinity United Methodist Church - Grand Rapids MI - USA

Grand Rapids Women’s Chorus - dir. Lori Tennenhouse - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Dec 4, 2010  St. John’s in the Village - New York - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “Ave Maria

  1. Punti elenco Dec 4, 2010  Chiesa di San. Maurizio - Maggia - SWITZERLAND

Coro femminile Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Dec 3, 2010  Pfarrkirch St. Gallus - Bregenz - AUSTRIA

Vocale Neuburg - dir. Oskar Egle - “Salve Regina

  1. Punti elenco Dec 1, 2010  Univerisity of Puerto Rico Theatro -  PUERTO RICO

Coralia - dir. Carmen Acevedo Lucío - “Ave Maria

  1. Punti elenco Dec 1, 2010  Eglise St. Laurent - Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le Problème...

  1. Punti elenco Nov 28, 2010  Fondation Gianadda - Martigny - SWITZERLAND

Choeur de dames la Romaine - dir. Pierre Louis Nanchen - “Le Problème...

  1. Punti elenco Nov 27, 2010  Temple de la Tour-de-Peilz - SWITZERLAND

Choeur de dames la Romaine - dir. Pierre Louis Nanchen - “Le Problème...

  1. Punti elenco Nov 21, 2010  St. Andrew’s-in-the-Square - Glasgow - SCOTLAND

Cappella Nova - dir. Alan Tavener - “Andreas Christi Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Nov 20, 2010  St. Salvador’s Chapel - St. Andrews (Fife) - SCOTLAND

Cappella Nova - dir. Alan Tavener - “Andreas Christi Famulus” - World premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 29-31, 2010  “42th Tolosa Choral Contest” - Tolosa - SPAIN

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le Problème...

  1. Punti elenco Oct 29, 2010  Outeniqua Primary School - George - SOUTH AFRICA

South Cape Children’s Choir - dir. Jan Erik-Swart  “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Oct 27, 2010  Iglesia Parroquial - Ordizia - SPAIN

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le Problème...” Spanish premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 23, 2010  Outeniqua Primary School - George - SOUTH AFRICA

South Cape Children’s Choir - dir. Jan Erik-Swart  “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Oct 23, 2010  Opera della Provvidenza S. Antonio - Sarmeola di Rubano - Padova - ITALY

Coro Femminile Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Oct 21, 2010  Adelboden - SWITZERLAND

EULACHvoices - dir. Reto Stocker - “This Song

  1. Punti elenco Oct 20, 2010  NG Dutch Reformed Church - George - SOUTH AFRICA

South Cape Children’s Choir - dir. Jan Erik-Swart  “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Oct 20, 2010  Jameson Hall - Univeristy of Cape Town - SOUTH AFRICA

UCT Choir - dir. John Woodland  “Nunc Dimittis

  1. Punti elenco Oct 16, 2010  Basilica San Juan Capistrano CA - USA

de Angelis Vocal Ensemble - dir. Matthew Gray  “Jesu Dulcis Memoria” US premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 15, 2010  “NOVA Rising Choral Stars” - Ryerson United Church - Vancouver - CANADA

Vancouver Chamber Choir - dir. Jon Washburn  “Jesu Dulcis Memoria” Canadian premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 14, 2010  St. Mark’s Cathedral - George - SOUTH AFRICA

South Cape Children’s Choir - dir. Jan Erik-Swart  “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Oct 3, 2010  Temple de St-Etienne - Moudon - SWITZERLAND

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le Problème...

  1. Punti elenco Oct 1, 2010  Temple de Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Le Problème...

  1. Punti elenco Sep 27, 2010  Stará Boleslav -  CZECH REPUBLIC

Severáček - dir. Silvie Pálková - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Sep 26, 2010  St. George Cathedral - Cape Town - SOUTH AFRICA

UCT Choir - dir. John Woodland  “Nunc Dimittis” world premiere

  1. Punti elenco Sep 24, 2010  “AlpenChorFestival Oberwallis 2010” - Brig - SWITZERLAND

Vocale Neuburg - dir. Oskar Egle  “Salve Regina

  1. Punti elenco Sep 18, 2010  Chiesa Parrocchiale - Brione/Verzasca - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” and “Sogno

  1. Punti elenco Sep 11, 2010 Kostel Světlá - CZECH REPUBLIC

Severáček - dir. Silvie Pálková - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Jun 1, 2010 Concert for Unicef - Sumperk - CZECH REPUBLIC

Motýli Šumperk - dir. Tomas Motyl - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Mar 6, 2010 Haiti benefit Concert - Sumperk - CZECH REPUBLIC

Motýli Šumperk - dir. Tomas Motyl - “Great Spirit