
  1. Punti elenco Dec 22, 2012  Kölner Philarmonie - Köln - GERMANY

Europäischer Kammerchor - dir. Michael Reif - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 21, 2012   Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate - Arcegno - SWITZERLAND

Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “Kyrie”,“Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”, “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 20, 2012  Pfarrkirche St. Rochus und Sebastian - Vienna - AUSTRIA

Cappella Oratoriana - dir. Kohki Totsuka - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 18, 2012  Hamar Domkirke - Hamar - NORWAY

Defrost Youth Choir - dir. Thomas Caplin - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 17, 2012  Trinity Lutheran Church - Newport News VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 17, 2012  First United Church - Morrilton AR - USA

First United Church Chancel Choir of Morrilton - dir.  Preston Sweeden - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 17, 2012  Mutterhauskirche des Severinsklösterchens - Köln - GERMANY

Kölner Kurrende - dir.  Michael Reif - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 16, 2012  Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church - Newport News VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 16, 2012  Ryerson United Church - Vancouver BC - CANADA

Vancouver Chamber Choir - dir. Jon Washburn - “Silent Night

  1. Punti elenco Dec 15, 2012  Trinity Lutheran Church - Newport News VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 15, 2012  Loretto Chapel - Santa Fe NM - USA

Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble - dir. Linda Raney - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 15, 2012  Munttheater - Weert - NETHERLANDS

Weerter Gemengt Koor Vivace - dir. Dion Ritten  - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 14, 2012  Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - Hampton VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 14, 2012  Ryerson United Church - Vancouver BC - CANADA

Vancouver Chamber Choir - dir. Jon Washburn - “Silent Night” World premiere

  1. Punti elenco Dec 14, 2012  Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel - Santa Fe NM - USA

Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble - dir. Linda Raney - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 14, 2012  Duomo Dogale - Palmanova - ITALY

Coro Polifonico di Ruda - dir. Fabiana Noro - “Agnus Dei

  1. Punti elenco Dec 14, 2012  Basilica SS. Apostoli - Roma - ITALY

Coro Città di Roma - dir. Mauro Marchetti - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 13-17, 2012  Prague Advent Choral Festival - Praga - CZECH REPUBLIC

Methodist Girls’ School Choir - dir. Jennifer Tham - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 9, 2012  Loretto Chapel - Santa Fe NM - USA

Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble - dir. Linda Raney - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 9, 2012  Gloria Dei Lutheran Church - Hampton VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 9, 2012  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - Washington DC - USA

Thomas Circle Singers - dir. James Kreger - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 8, 2012  Yorkminster Presbyterian Church - Yorktown VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 8, 2012  Auditorium IPSAA - Pozzoulo del Friuli - ITALY

Coro Polifonico di Ruda - dir. Fabiana Noro - “Agnus Dei” World premiere (TTBB)

  1. Punti elenco Dec 8, 2012   Chiesa Collegio Papio - Ascona - SWITZERLAND

Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 7, 2012  Kwa Geok Choo AuditoriumSINGAPORE

Methodist Girls’ School Choir - dir. Jennifer Tham - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 7, 2012  Loretto Chapel - Santa Fe NM - USA

Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble - dir. Linda Raney - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Dec 7, 2012  Williamsburg Presbyterian Church - Williamsburg VA - USA

Virginia Choral Society - dir.  James Powers - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 4, 2012  St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Grenville NC - USA

ECU Chamber Singers - dir.  Andrew Crane - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 4, 2012  79th Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts - Madison WI - USA

Philarmonic Chorus of Madison - dir. Patrick Gorman - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 2, 2012  Georgetown College - Georgetown KY - USA

Georgetown College Chorale & Concert Choir - dir. John W. Campbell - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 2, 2012  Union Church - Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue - QC  - CANADA

Mc Gill Conservatory Youth & Children’s Choirs / Les Muses Chorale - dir. Amy Henderson - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 2, 2012  79th Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts - Madison WI - USA

Philarmonic Chorus of Madison - dir. Patrick Gorman - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 2, 2012   Chiesa parrocchiale de SS. Vitale ed Agata - Rovio - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “O Magnum Mysterium”, “Kyrie”, “This Song”, “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Dec 1, 2012  Fremont Abbey Arts Center - Fremont - Seattle WA - USA

Ancora - dir. Tess Orozco - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Dec 1, 2012  79th Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts - Madison WI - USA

Philarmonic Chorus of Madison - dir. Patrick Gorman - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Dec 1, 2012  St. Martinus Church - Duffel - BELGIUM

Sanseveria - dir. Erik Demarbaix - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Nov 30, 2012  Fremont Abbey Arts Center - Fremont - Seattle WA - USA

Ancora - dir. Tess Orozco - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Nov 30, 2012  St. George’s Anglican Church - Montreal QC  - CANADA

Les Muses Chorale - dir. Amy Henderson - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Nov 30, 2012  Church of St. Michael and St. Mary - Egremont  - ENGLAND

Herdwyck Consort - dir. Henry Howard - “Andreas Christi Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Nov 30, 2012  79th Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts - Madison WI - USA

Philarmonic Chorus of Madison - dir. Patrick Gorman - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Nov 29, 2012  79th Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts - Madison WI - USA

Philarmonic Chorus of Madison - dir. Patrick Gorman - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Nov 28, 2012  79th Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts - Madison WI - USA

Philarmonic Chorus of Madison - dir. Patrick Gorman - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Nov 25, 2012  Basilique de Saint-Maurice - SWITZERLAND

Ensemble Vocal de Saint-Maurice - dir. Pascal Crittin - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Nov 24, 2012  Eglise de Lens - SWITZERLAND

Ensemble Vocal de Saint-Maurice - dir. Pascal Crittin - “I am the Rose of Sharon” Swiss premiere

  1. Punti elenco Nov 18, 2012  St. Luke’s Episcopal Church - Montclair NJ - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Nov 18, 2012  Predigerkirche Basel - SWITZERLAND

Kammerchor Notabene Basel - dir. Christoph Huldi - “Life is a Circle

  1. Punti elenco Nov 17, 2012  Episcopal Church of the good Shepard - Manhattan NYC - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Nov 16, 2012  Predigerkirche Basel - SWITZERLAND

Kammerchor Notabene Basel - dir. Christoph Huldi - “Life is a Circle” Swiss premiere

  1. Punti elenco Nov 12, 2012  Embassy Suites Garden Terrace - Winston-Salem NC - USA

ECU Chamber Singers - dir.  Andrew Crane - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Nov 11, 2012  Loudis Recital Hall - Delaware University - USA

Delaware University Chorale - dir. Dr. Paul Head - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Nov 10, 2012 “New Music Festival”  Margaret Comstock Hall - University of Louisville KY - USA

University of Louisville Collegiate Chorale - dir. Kent Hatteberg - “Lux Aeterna

  1. Punti elenco Nov 4, 2012  St Paul’s Chapel - New York - USA

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street - Julian Wachner - “Pater Noster

  1. Punti elenco Nov 3, 2012   Iglesia de San Jorge - Tolosa - SPAIN

New Dublin Voices - dir. Bernie Sherlock - “There is another sky

  1. Punti elenco Nov 2, 2012  Majorstuen Kirke - Oslo -  NORWAY

Damenes Aften - dir. Erland Dalen  - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Nov 2, 2012  Academic Centre - Oslo -  NORWAY

Defrost Youth Choir - dir. Erland Dalen  - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Nov 1, 2012  - “ 44th Tolosa Choral Contest - SPAIN

New Dublin Voices - dir. Bernie Sherlock - “There is another sky” - Spanish premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 28, 2012  Kirche Fischingen - SWITZERLAND

SIngknaben Solothurn - dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria” - Swiss premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 27, 2012  Buffalo Seminary School - Buffalo NY  - USA

The Freudig Singers - dir. Roland E. Martin - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Oct 27, 2012 “Modern Masters”  Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano CA - USA

De Angelis Vocal Ensemble - dir. Matthew Gray - “Lux Aeterna” World premiere

  1. Punti elenco Oct 27, 2012  Chiesa Parrocchiale - Giubiasco - SWITZERLAND

Coro femminile Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, and “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Oct 20, 2012  First Presbyterian Church - Tyler TX - USA

UT Tyler Patriot Singers - dir. Cameron Rose - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Oct 20, 2012  Remigiuskrche Altensteigdorf - GERMANY

Christophorus Kinder- und Jugendchor - dir. Wolfgang Weible - “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Oct 14, 2012  Jack and Deb Miller Chapel - Ashland OH - USA

Ashland University Choir - dir. Rowland Blackley - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Oct 13 , 2012  Chiesa S. Giovanni - Brescia - ITALY

Coro Dalakopen - dir. Pietro Ferrario - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Oct 9, 2012  St. John Vianney Catholic Church -  Huston TX - USA

St. John Vianney Vesper Choir- dir. David San Miguel - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Oct 7 , 2012  Collegiata S. Leonardo - Verbania Pallanza - ITALY

Coro Dalakopen - dir. Pietro Ferrario - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Oct 6, 2012  Palazzo dei Congressi - Lugano - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “La mia stella”, Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”and This Song

  1. Punti elenco Oct 6, 2012  Katholische Kirche Dionysios - Neckarsulm - GERMANY

SIngknaben Solothurn - dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Oct 5, 2012  Pauluskirche - Hannover - GERMANY

SIngknaben Solothurn - dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Oct 2, 2012  Lukaskirche - Leer - GERMANY

SIngknaben Solothurn - dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Oct 1, 2012  Dom St. Peter - Osnabrück - GERMANY

SIngknaben Solothurn - dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Sep 30, 2012  Cathedral of Christ the King - Lexington KY - USA

Choir UK Chorale - dir. Jefferson Johnson - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Sep 30, 2012  Kirche St. Joseph - Speyer - GERMANY

SIngknaben Solothurn - dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Sep 22, 2012  Ann & Richard Barshinger Center for Musical Arts - Lancaster PA - USA

Antioch Chamber Ensemble - dir. Joshua Copeland - “Pater Noster” & I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Sep 22, 2012  “Corti in Canto”  Casa Rusca & Castello Visconteo - Locarno - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”and This Song

  1. Punti elenco Sep 16 , 2012   Stiftskirche Schönenwerd - SWITZERLAND

Singknaben Solothurn  dir. Andreas Reize - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria” Swiss premiere

  1. Punti elenco Sep 16 , 2012  Chiesa dei SS. Stefano e Lorenzo - Olgiate Olona VA - ITALY

Coro Dalakopen - dir. Pietro Ferrario - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Sep 15, 2012  East West Bookstore - Seattle WA - USA

Ancora - dir. Tess Orozco - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Sep 8, 2012  Kostel sv. Mikuláše, Světlá pod Ještědem - CZECH REPUBLIC

Severacek - dir. Silvie Palkova- “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Aug 19, 2012  Eglise de Gruyère - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “O Magnum Mysterium”, Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!”, This Song”,

Vas-y Jeannot”, “Kyrie” World premiere

  1. Punti elenco Aug 18, 2012  Phoenix Rising Bookshop - Port Townsend WA - USA

Ancora - dir. Tess Orozco - “Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Aug 11, 2012 “Shandelee Music Festival” Livingston Manor NY - USA

Antioch Chamber Ensemble - dir. Joshua Copeland - “Pater Noster” & I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Aug 8, 2012  “Festival Choral International de Neuchâtel” - SWITZERLAND

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Aug 7, 2012  Eglise St. Laurent - Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Callirhoé - dir. Dominique Tille - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Jul 25-29, 2012  Bela Bartok International Choral Competition - Debrecen - HUNGARY

Delaware University Chorale - dir. Dr. Paul Head - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Jul 21-28, 2012  Musique en Morvan - Autun/Bourgogne - FRANCE

New Dublin Voices - dir. Bernie Sherlock - “There is another sky” - French premiere

  1. Punti elenco Jul 16, 2012  The Hotthkiss School, Lakeville CT - USA

St. Paul’s Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - dir. Joe Chan Pater Noster

  1. Punti elenco Jul 14, 2012  Chiesa Arcipretale - Mel - ITALY

Corale Zumellese - dir. Manolo Da Rold - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Jul 12, 2012  Orinda Presbyterian Church - Lafayette CA - USA

ANCORA from Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir - dir. Robert Geary -  “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Jul 10, 2012  First Congregational Church - Berkeley CA - USA

ANCORA from Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir - dir. Robert Geary -  “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Jul 9, 2012  First Presbyterian Church - Berkeley CA - USA

ANCORA from Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir - dir. Robert Geary -  “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Jul 7, 2012  Saal des Kultur- und Sportzentrums Dreispitz - Kreuzlingen - SWITZERLAND

PH-Wert - dir. Eva Berger  - This Song

  1. Punti elenco Jul 4-14, 2012  World Choir Games - Cincinnati OH - USA

Cantate Domino - dir. Stefan Razvan Constantin “- O FORTUNAUS premiere

  1. Punti elenco Jul 4-14, 2012  World Choir Games - Cincinnati OH - USA

EDTChoir - dir. Erland Dalen  - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Jul 4-14, 2012  World Choir Games - Cincinnati OH - USA

St. Paul’s Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - dir. Joe Chan Pater Noster

  1. Punti elenco Jul 4-14, 2012  World Choir Games - Cincinnati OH - USA

Sunday Night Singers - dir. Allan Laino - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Jun 30 , 2012  Chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli - Erba Alta - ITALY

Coro Dalakopen - dir. Pietro Ferrario - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Jun 17, 2012  Hugh Lane Gallery - Dublin - IRELAND

New Dublin Voices - dir. Bernie Sherlock - “There is another sky

  1. Punti elenco Jun 15, 2012  Christ Church Cathedral - Dublin - IRELAND

New Dublin Voices - dir. Bernie Sherlock - “There is another sky” 

  1. Punti elenco Jun 9, 2012  St. James the Great Parish Church - Bolinao Pangasinan - PHILIPPINES

Gloria Dei Chamber Choir - dir. Rolan Ambrocio - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Jun 9, 2012  St. Thomas’s Church - Mount Merrion - Dublin - IRELAND

New Dublin Voices - dir. Bernie Sherlock - “There is another sky”  Irish premiere

  1. Punti elenco Jun 9-10, 2012  “CANT A TRUN” - Trun - SWITZERLAND

Incantanti - dir. Christian Klucker - “There is another sky

  1. Punti elenco Jun 9-10, 2012  “CANT A TRUN” - Trun - SWITZERLAND

Chor da giuvenils Surselva - dir. Rilana Cadruvi - “Le problème...

  1. Punti elenco Jun 7-10, 2012  “Landsfestival FOR KOR” - Harstad - NORWAY

Damenes Aften - dir. Erland Dalen - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Jun 3, 2012   All Wallow’s Chapel - Brisbane - AUSTRALIA

Fusion - dir. Debra  Shearer-Dirié -  “There will come soft rains” Australian premiere

  1. Punti elenco May 31, 2012  Greyfriars Kirk - Edinburgh - SCOTLAND

Cappella Nova - dir. Alan Tavener -  “Keep my soul in peace

  1. Punti elenco May 30, 2012  St. Andrews-in-the-Square - Glasgow - SCOTLAND

Cappella Nova - dir. Alan Tavener -  “Keep my soul in peaceWorld premiere

  1. Punti elenco May 26, 2012  St. Philips Episcopal Church - Charleston SC - USA - “Piccolo Spoleto Festival”

Antioch Chamber Ensemble - dir. Joshua Copeland - “Faces

  1. Punti elenco May 26, 2012  Centro Culturale Igo Gruden - Aurisina (Trieste) - ITALY

Kraški Slavček - dir. Petra Grassi - Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco May 24, 2012  Piedmont Piano Company - Oakland CA - USA

ANCORA from Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir - dir. Robert Geary -  “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco May 20, 2012  St. Luke’s Episcopal Church - Montclair NJ - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “Life is a Circle

  1. Punti elenco May 19, 2012  Church of St. Paul the Apostle - New York - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “Life is a Circle

  1. Punti elenco May 19-20, 2012  “Concorso Corale F. Gaffurio” Quartiano - Lodi - ITALY

Kraški Slavček - dir. Petra Grassi - Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco May 18, 2012   Peterskirche - Basel - SWITZERLAND - “Swiss composers meet Europe”

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “O Magnum Mysterium”, “Vas-y Jeannot”, “This Song

and the World premiere of “La mia stella

  1. Punti elenco May 18, 2012  Chiesa Antica - Canegrate - ITALY

Coro Dalakopen - dir. Pietro Ferrario - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco May 16-20, 2012  Basel - SWITZERLAND - 8th European Festival of Youth Choirs Basel

850 voices  singing the opening and closing-up song “Music is everywhere” World premiere

  1. Punti elenco May 10, 2012  Boston Metro Opera - Rosindale / Boston MA - USA

Choir TBA - dir. TBA - “Andreas Christi Famulus” and “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco May 6, 2012  Choral Competition - Dorénaz - SWITZERLAND

Choeur-Mixte St. Maurice - dir. Michèle Olivier - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco May 5, 2012  St. Peter the Martyr Parish Church - Sual Pangasinan - PHILIPPINES

Gloria Dei Chamber Choir - dir. Rolan Ambrocio - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Apr 29, 2012  Kirche St. Nikolaus - Niederalteich - GERMANY

Mädchenchor des St.-Gotthard-Gymnasiums - dir. Bernhard Falk - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Apr 29 - May 3, 2012  “Venezia in Musica” International Competition - ITALY

St. Paul’s Co-educational College Primary School Concert Choir - dir. Ivy Lo Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 25, 2012  Kungsholms Kyrka - Stockholm - SWEDEN

Helene Stureborg Kammarkör - dir. Helene Stureborg - “My Song

  1. Punti elenco Apr 22, 2012  Eglise St. Sigismond - St. Maurice - Fribourg - SWITZERLAND

Choeur-Mixte St. Maurice - dir. Michèle Olivier - “O Magnum Mysterium” Swiss premiere (SATB v.)

  1. Punti elenco Apr 21, 2012  Kulturni center Rogaška Slatina  - SLOVENIA

Oreya Choir (Ukraine) - dir. Alexander Vatsek - “Andreas Christi Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Apr 20, 2012  Tsuen Wan Town Hall - HONG KONG / SAR

St. Paul’s Co-educational College Primary School Concert Choir - dir. Ivy Lo Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 20, 2012  Episcopal Church - Philadelphia PA - USA

Harverford / Bryn Mavr Chamber Singers - dir. Thomas Lloyd - “There is another sky

  1. Punti elenco Apr 19, 2012  Pokrajinski muzej Koper - SLOVENIA

Oreya Choir (Ukraine) - dir. Alexander Vatsek - “Andreas Christi Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Apr 17, 2012   Kodály Zoltán Általános Iskola - Nyíregyháza - HUNGARY

Oreya Choir (Ukraine) - dir. Alexander Vatsek - “Andreas Christ Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Apr 16, 2012   Szydłowieckie Centrum Kultury Zamek - POLAND

Oreya Choir (Ukraine) - dir. Alexander Vatsek - “Andreas Christi Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Apr 15, 2012  “ AMINA MUNDI 2012” par. Chrystusa Króla KIELCE - BARANÓWEK - POLAND

Oreya Choir (Ukraine) - dir. Alexander Vatsek - “Andreas Christi Famulus

  1. Punti elenco Apr 15, 2012  Episcopal Church - Philadelphia PA - USA

Harverford / Bryn Mavr Chamber Singers - dir. Thomas Lloyd - “There is another sky

  1. Punti elenco Apr 14, 2012  St. Mark’s Lutheran Church - Roanoke VA - USA

Bridgewater College Chorale - dir. Dr. Jesse E. Hopkins - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elencoApr 14, 2012   Chiesa Parrocchiale - Gordola - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 13, 2012  Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church - Durham NC - USA

Bridgewater College Chorale - dir. Dr. Jesse E. Hopkins - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Apr 13, 2012   Kirche St. Maria - Neudorf - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 12, 2012   Kirche St. Johann - Schaffhausen - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 11, 2012   Reformierte Kirche - Langenthal - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 10, 2012   Eglise de Gruyères - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Apr 9, 2012   Temple de Lutry - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Mar 30, 2012  St. Paul’s Chapel - Trinity Wall Street - New York - USA

Antioch Chamber Ensemble - dir. Joshua Copeland - “Faces” World premiere

  1. Punti elenco Mar 30, 2012  Chiesa Arcipretale - Lentiai - ITALY

Corale Zumellese - dir. Manolo Da Rold - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Mar 27, 2012  Berry Performing Arts Center -  Siloam Springs AR - USA

John Brown University Cathedral Choir - dir. Jakob Funk - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Mar 24, 2012  Grossnickle Church of the Brethren - Myersville MD - USA

Bridgewater College Chorale - dir. Dr. Jesse E. Hopkins - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Mar 24 & 25, 2012  Pfarrkirche St. Daniel - Dellach - AUSTRIA

Corale Zumellese - dir. Manolo Da Rold - “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Mar 24, 2012   Washington Center for the performing Arts - Olympia WA - USA

Olympia Youth Chorus Cantabile - dir. Cynthia Dinsmore -“Great Spirit

  1. Punti elenco Mar 24, 2012   Chiesa Parrocchiale - Tesserete - SWITZERLAND

Calicantus/Severacek/Motyli - dir. Mario Fontana - “Ave Maris Stella”,“Great Spirit”, “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Mar 23, 2012  Lititz Church of the Brethren - Lititz PA - USA

Bridgewater College Chorale - dir. Dr. Jesse E. Hopkins - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Mar 23, 2012   Chiesa Collegio Papio - Ascona - SWITZERLAND

Calicantus/Severacek/Motyli - dir. Mario Fontana - “Ave Maris Stella” and “Great Spirit”, “This Song”, “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Mar 19-23, 2012  “Kansas & Missouri Tour” - venues TBA - USA

John Brown University Cathedral Choir - dir. Jakob Funk - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Mar 22, 2012  Heartland Community Church - Wichita KS - USA

John Brown University Cathedral Choir - dir. Jakob Funk - “Jesu Dulcis Memoria

  1. Punti elenco Mar 11, 2012  St. Paul’s Chapel - Trinity Wall Street - New York - USA

Trinity Choir - dir. Julian Wachner - “Pater Noster

  1. Punti elenco Mar 11, 2012  St. Luke’s Episcopal Church - Montclair NJ - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Mar 10, 2012  All Saints’ Episcopal Church - Palo Alto CA - USA

ANCORA from Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir - dir. Robert Geary  “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Mar 10, 2012  Church of St. Paul the Apostle - New York - USA

Schola Cantorum on Hudson - dir. Deborah Simpkin King - “Ave Maris Stella” World premiere (SATB v.)

  1. Punti elenco Mar 10, 2012  Tretten - “Tretten Korcup 2012” - NORWAY

EDTChoir - dir. Erland Dalen  - “Ave Maris Stella

  1. Punti elenco Mar 7, 2012  Millbrook High School Auditorium - Raleigh NC - USA

ECU Chamber Singers - dir.  Andrew Crane - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Mar 6, 2012  St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church - Charlotte NC - USA

ECU Chamber Singers - dir.  Andrew Crane - “There will come soft rains” and “O Magnum Mysterium

  1. Punti elenco Mar 5, 2012  First Christian Church - Wilson NC - USA

ECU Chamber Singers - dir.  Andrew Crane - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Mar 3, 2012   Sala Grava - Savognin - SWITZERLAND

Coro Calicantus - dir. Mario Fontana - “O Magnum Mysterium” - Swiss premiere (SA v.), “This Song

and “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!

  1. Punti elenco Mar 1, 2012  “Southwest ACDA Convention” - Dallas - TX - USA

Lawrence Free State High School Chamber Choir - dir. Hilary Morton - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Feb 24, 2012  Century II Convention Center - Wichita KS - USA

Lawrence Free State High School Chamber Choir - dir. Hilary Morton - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Feb 23, 2012  Peace Presbyterian Church - Winterville NC - USA

East Carolina University Chamber Singers - dir.  Andrew Crane - “There will come soft rains

  1. Punti elenco Feb 11, 2012  Vassar  College - Skinner Hall - New York - USA

Antioch Chamber Ensemble - dir. Joshua Copeland - “Pater Noster” and  “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Feb 10, 2012  Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center - San Antonio TX - USA

West Ridge MS Varsity Treble Choir - dir. Andreas Snouffer - “Ici-Bas” US premiere

  1. Punti elenco Feb 9, 2012  North Central ACDA Conference - Madison - WI - USA

University of North Dakota Concert Choir - dir. Joshua Bronfman - “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Feb 4, 2012  Somerset Hills Performing Arts Center - Bernardsville NJ - USA

Antioch Chamber Ensemble - dir. Joshua Copeland - “Pater Noster” and  “I am the Rose of Sharon

  1. Punti elenco Jan 21, 2012  First Congregational Church - Berkeley CA - USA

ANCORA from Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir - dir. Robert Geary  “Wah-bah-dah-bah-doo-bee!” US premiere
